We partner with GrantsAlert, to assist your school, district, and community in finding funding opportunities.
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School Funding Resources:
Education Funding comes from two distinct channels: Public funding and Private funding.
Public Funding
Public funding includes federal and state grants through agencies such as Department of Education, Department of Justice, Department of Labor and many other federal, state, and local public streams. These funds can be distributed through either formula or competitive applications, depending upon the program.
There is a grant called “Stronger Connections”. This grant focuses on activities, programs and equipment to keep students safe. This can still be accessed by the following states: WA,CO,MN,AK,ME, ND and VA. All other states’ deadlines have expired.
There are numerous other state grant programs available. Here are a few:
Safe and Supportive Schools is a good resource to find grants that are associated with school safety products.
Pennsylvania has a Safe schools targeted grant that allows schools to apply for money for school hardening.
Connecticut has a School Security competitive grant program that allows for specifically upgrading doors and windows with security products.
New York has a New York’s Non Public School Safety Equipment grant that also allows for purchase of school safety equipment.
Private Funding
Private funding includes corporate grants and foundations, and is nearly always distributed through competitive processes.
They also often tend to have their own sets of rules and follow the grantmaker’s priorities and interests rather than set regulations.
Grantsalert.com is an extensive resource for finding both private and public funding opportunities.
Grants.gov has a very informative website with lots of good blogs explaining “everything funding” related.
Schools need the money in addition to what is being given by the government. There are loads of opportunities out there. They just take a little bit of work to find them. Most schools have a person or team dedicated to this task.
We, at Shelter Shutters, are more than happy to help you find opportunities for funding.
Call us to ask for help at 1-800-624-1695.