Shelter Shutters Lockdown Window Covers
What are Shelter Shutters?
Shelter Shutters are the only lockdown window covers that operate like a shutter. Magnetic operation makes them perfect for sidelights and door glass.

Why Shelter Shutters?
Made with fire-rated. corrugated plastic, Shelter Shutters are built to last 10+ years and quickly block out visibility into your room.

How Do They Work?

For wider glass, Shelter Shutters are made with multiple folds to reduce the stack-back size.

Replace Your Obsolete Covers

Shelter Shutters are ADA-Certified for Ease of Operation

“I have been involved in school safety since the early 90s and I have not seen anything that has changed the face of safety like Shelter Shutters,”
Lori Franklin, Community Education Community Education Director/Attendance Specialist.

Need a Custom Sample?
Call Us for next steps at 1-800-624-1695 or email us at [email protected].
Ordering in Bulk?
Call Us for discounted pricing at 1-800-624-1635 or email us at [email protected]
Shelter Shutters Are
Easy to Operate
Currently, schools aren’t required to make window covers accessible to people with disabilities. This will likely change in the future.
Even the Smallest
Child Can Operate Shelter Shutters
Children are not currently involved in the school lockdown process. Protocols are constantly evolving and its only natural that children eventually are able to be involved in the event a teacher may become incapicitated.
Opening Roll Ups
Opening Shelter Shutters
Shelter Shutters
Features and Benefits:
- ADA-Certified
- Reduces Lockdown Recovery Time
- Made with Fire-rated materials
- Completely Black Out Visibility
- Quickly Close. Quickly Open.
- Affordable Custom Sizing
- 5-year guarantee